I have to admit that I thought twittering was some kind of perversion and pretty much a waste of time- until I actually checked it out. Now as see it as a marvelous communication and teaching tool for anger management. How can this technology help people their anger, you may ask? Not sure of all the answers to that question yet, but we can start by announcing that if you start following me on twitter several things happen. The first thing is that you become one of my tweeple :). As an anger coach tweeple person you can just read what I write or you can start tweeting yourself.
(The next time you get angry, just read this blog about the tweeple people; that ought to take away 80% or so of your anger right there)
To join my group and start following me, go to http://www.twitter.com/drtony
and clcik on the “follow” icon. (You may have to join Twitter first, if you are not already a member, but it is free).
By following me on twitter, you will get many short but extremely useful anger control tips plus instant updates on new programs, products an classes.
See you there
Dr Tony Fiore