Harmful Communication versus Assertive Communication, Part 2.
Last week, we looked at two forms of harmful communication, how they could negatively affect a relationship and alternative ways to communicate so that resolution occurs positively and healthily. This week, we continue our journey into this topic. Harmful communication style #1 – Contempt. Contempt is a communication style that expresses feelings of inferiority, where…
The high costs of anger – Anger and your relationships
“Dr. Fiore,” the voice on the phone pleaded, “I need anger management classes right away. I blew up at my girlfriend last night and she said it’s over until I get help”. As Kevin recounted the first night of class, he and his girlfriend had argued in the car over which route to take home…
Don’t get angry – use conflict resolution skills
Guest Article by Sherry Gaba Conflict is difficult for many people. People with codependency often learn to avoid conflict due to fear of abandonment, rejection, and/or criticism. Learning conflict resolution skills makes it easier to handle conflict effectively so you learn not to fear confrontation. Often with the need to people please and receive outside validation,…