8 things you can do TODAY to prevent angry partner blowups
Spending so much time together in social isolation during the pandemic is bound to challenge the patience and coping skills of many partners. Fortunately, new technology has been developed to help you stay calm called “Gaze-Spotting” based on the original work of Dr. David Grand, developer of a technique called Brainspotting. STEP 1 : Walk…
How to reduce resentment toward your partner – even if your partner won’t change!
Do You Have Resentment In Your Marriage? Mary, age 40, came to see me recently for a consultation on how she could improve her marriage and deal with an angry husband who refused to see a marriage therapist. She was extremely resentful, unhappy and depressed. She had tried “everything” to get her husband to change-…
My husband and I never fight: How can we still have an anger problem?
The Marriage of Stacy and William Married 30 years, from the outside looking in they have a perfect marriage. They never disagree with each other. They rarely conflict. They hold hands in public. They are always civil to each other in public. Behind closed doors, however, there is a different story. While they dine together,…
Partner Anger May Be Improved by Better Sleep Habits
How sleep issues can affect anger expression in couples and negatively affect relationships and communication? Sleep is probably the most underrated of habits that impact health and wellbeing. A lack of sleep the night before is enough to leave us tired, grumpy and fed up for the rest of the day. Getting the right amount of…