How technology has changed closeness in relationships

The rapid acceleration in technological communication has created a problem where our nervous system is still trying to adjust to our online world. Gone are the days when the only way to speak with someone was to do so in person. Emojis, memes, GIFs, etc are now often used to express emotion and thought. Our…

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How to work though problems in a relationship

Conflict is inevitable in every relationship, however it is very important to learn to understand, resolve and then move forward from the source of this conflict when it arises. During therapy, I tell my patients to “Think of yourself and your partner as a team, working through problems as a ‘we’ as opposed to a…

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What is a conflict igniter?

A conflict igniter refer to a pattern of communication that often results in a gloves off, battle Royale between a couple. Regardless of who ignited the conflict, the result is the same – escalation. Conflict Ignitor #1- Blame and Criticism This igniter occurs when one or both partners are highly critical and blame the other…

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How to develop cognitive empathy

When we practice cognitive empathy in our marriage, we learn to look at the world from our partner’s perspective. In essence, we are imagining what it might be like to be our partner in her/his life situation. Cognitive empathy is also referred to as perspective-taking or the skill of putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes,…

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Why J.A.D.E. doesn’t work to resolve conflict with your partner

What is JADE? It is an acronym for the ineffective tactics of Justifying, Arguing, Defending or Explaining to resolve conflict. It is a term borrowed from psychiatrist and team-cognitive-behavioral guru Dr David Burns. Here is what it means J – Justifying your actions. “I might have done that, but you also did….” Justifying is a…

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Dealing with Stress

Stress is often the trigger that exacerbates anger in individuals. Many people suffer from a variety of life situations that influence their ability to maintain healthy relationships – but this does not have to be the case! I have helped many people over the years to deal with stress better in their lives. In this…

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How to Tank Your Relationship Part 2 or: How to Cope With Couple Anger Better

All relationships deal with anger to one extent or another and the success of a relationship doesn’t necessarily depend on the amount of anger in a relationship. Research suggests that many successful couples deal with anger from one or both partners – so it’s not the necessarily expression of anger that causes issues in relationships….

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Change Your Self Talk For Better Anger Control

Self talk is what you tell yourself about the things that happen to you in life. Many times anger can be managed successfully by changing this self talk. Anger in life is normal and there are many things that trigger anger in our modern world. Most of these things we cannot control – but we…

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How To Tank Your Relationship – Part I

Many couples struggle with one or both partners exhibiting less desirable traits that are perceived as selfish, uncaring, misguided or just plain wrong. Research has shown however that many couples can survive – and even thrive – in a relationship where one or both partners have these negative traits. Surprisingly, it is not the traits…

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3 Methods to Disarm an Angry Wife

Many men today lack the skills needed to give their wives and partners what they need in a relationship. Much of this is due to the fact that the roles women traditionally played in relationships has changed over the last several decades and some men have not yet learned how to care for the women…

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5 Ways to Respond Instead of React

When we react to something, we do it automatically but when we respond to something – that requires thoughtful consideration and deliberate decision making. When I teach people how to manage their anger, the tool “Respond Instead of React” is most helpful as it shows people that they have the power to control their response…

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Peace at any Price – Jeffrey’s story

Many people in relationships are averse to conflict and confrontation which is why some people choose to adopt the “peace at any price” approach to dealing with relationship issues. While this tactic can avert direct confrontation in the moment – it often delays the inevitable. Coping with your partners disrespect for long periods of time…

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4 Strategies to Forgive and Accept Wrongs by a Partner

Whether you are actively in a relationship or not, learning to forgive is an incredibly important skill to have and hold successful, long term relationships. We all make mistakes and when the hurt from these mistakes cut deep, our ability to forgive is essential not just for the person who hurt us, but for our…

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The 5 Levels of Passive Aggressive Behavior

Passive aggressive behavior does not alternate between passive behavior and aggressive behavior, but rather combines them simultaneously into one behavior that is really irritating and confounding to other people. In this video I walk you through the 5 levels of a Passive Aggressive person and simple examples of each behavior for you to recognize. The…

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Dealing with perpetual issues

Relationship research has revealed that a high percentage of relationship issues are unsolvable. These are often called “Perpetual Issues”. Every relationship has these unresolvable issues – but the key difference between successful couples is how they handle these issues. Learn a basic principle in how successful couples manage to deal with perpetual issues and how…

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6 Methods to communicate assertively

Assertive communication helps people – whether they are in relationships or not – experience better interpersonal outcomes. In this video, I will help you understand what assertive communication means, and I provide 6 simple ways to implement assertive communication tools in your life. Improve your relationships with others whether they be friends, family, workmates or…

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Married to a narcissist? 3 steps for survival.

Learn 3 crucial steps to be able to live with a narcissist. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist and feel that it is worthwhile staying in the relationship, I provide 5 additional tips on how you can work around the type of narcissist you may be involved with. Not all narcissists are…

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Anger and sex – 5 tips to help couples

As a practicing psychologist and marriage therapist, I often encounter clients who are angry because they suffer sexual frustration in their marriage or relationship. Anger is sometimes a secondary emotion, meaning that there is something underneath it which triggers it. Often that “something” is sexual frustration. In this video I will help you to understand…

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Is humor a remedy for anger?

In this video, learn how you can dissolve anger using humor. I provide 4 easy to implement techniques for humour-challenged people so that you can reduce anger, stress and frustration in your every day life. Learn why it is important to not take yourself so seriously and how simple techniques for finding humor in stressful…

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Empathy and you

Learn the basics of empathy and what it is. Learn what the 4 core aspects of empathy are. Learn how best to deal with challenges in your relationship where empathy will help to resolve. Understand what empathy is, what it involves and practical ways to put empathy into practice in everyday life. You can find…

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What is cognitive empathy

Learn ways to look at things from the perspective of your partner – putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. Seeing things from the point of view of your partner is much harder when you don’t agree with the idea or concept which is why it is such a crucial tool in improving relationships. Watch the…

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