Avoidance of Conflict Predicts Divorce

Did you know that the number of predictor of divorce is the habitual avoidance of conflict? According to new research discussed on website www.smartmarriage.com, successful couples are those who know how to discuss differences in ways that actually strengthen their relationship and improves intimacy. Successful couples know how to contain their disagreements. That is, they…

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Anger Coach Online Now Provides Ebook of Course Material

Anger Coach Online, the popular distance learning program of The Anger Coach now offers a free ebook of the course material, once the online course is completed. This is in response to many requests for the program by persons who had completed it, but then had no way to review the material at a later…

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CAM Training ReCertified for 2008-2009

Century Anger Management, the training organization for the Anger Coach and AJ Novick Group has been recertified by the California Standards Training for Corrections Programs for the year 2008-2009. This means that our training program again meets the training requirements as set forth by the Corrections Standards Authority for California Counties participating in the Standards…

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Century Anger Management Gains New Approval from IAODAPCA

Century Anger Management gains new approval from the Illinois Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association.  This new approval is in addition to the numerous other approvals granted to Century Anger Management’s world class training model.Century Anger Management is one of the leading global providers of anger management certification training.  They are the only…

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In close relationships, most of the time being loved, being respected or being personally happy is more important than being…

We all LIKE being right, but some people HAVE to be right as a matter of power and control over others. These people are very rigid in their thinking patterns because they don’t allow that others may have equally valid opinions or ways of doing things.  While it IS true that sometimes we indeed have…

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I need to develop more patience and tolerance toward some people or situations – Anger Self Talk 6

“As soon as you concern yourself with the “good” and “bad” of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weaken and defeat you”……Morihei Ueshiba We live in a complex world with over 6 billion other people, many of whom see things, value things…

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I am partly responsible for how people treat me – Anger Self Talk 5

Has it occurred to you that your attitudes, appearance, demeanor, and behaviors are constantly teaching others how you are willing to be treated? It’s like we are beaming signals to other people of which we may or may not be aware.  Yet, we sometimes are astounded when people then treat us in ways consistent with…

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Nobody is perfect. I must remember that even good intentioned and competent people make mistakes – Anger Self-Talk 4

“Iron is full of impurities that weaken it; through forging it becomes steel and is transformed into a razor-sharp sword. Human beings develop in the same fashion” – Morihei Ueshiba   To reduce anger, remind yourself that most of us are works in progress and, as such, are imperfect. We all have good days and and…

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I cannot control people who do not wish to be controlled – Self Talk Part 3

Much anger is the world is generated by people trying to control or change other people who do not wish to be controlled or changed. Rather than thinking in terms of “control,” think instead of other methods of changing and influencing others such as: persuading, educating, rewarding, enticing, compromising, being positive role model, advising, urging…

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Things don’t always have to go my way – Self Talk Part 2

Some days you are  the pigeon; other days you are the statue. When people read this “self-talk,” in anger management class, there is always immediate chuckling indicating self-awareness of how often we convince ourselves just the opposite – that things should go our way because after all, we are masters of the universe and legends in…

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How To Talk To Yourself When Angry-Part 1

As you go through your daily life, what kinds of things irritate or anger you? If you are like most people, the list is porbably quite long and may vary in length depending on the day and your mood at the time. Our anger management participants regularly tell us they experience workplace anger, desk rage,…

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Federal Employees need Anger Management Too Sometimes

I recently received a referral from an employee for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS employees often face very stressful situations, depending on their job function and can find learning skills in anger management to be extremely helpful. Homeland security is one of our nations top priorities and therefore can be an equation for…

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Anger At Work

Anger at Work by Lynette Hoy I don’t really know where to begin… I’m 22. I work at a daycare, and each day I take care of between 6-10 children from age of 7 mo. – 1 year 4 mo. It is stressful. The kids cry non stop. I am always running around like my…

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Anger Management and how it relates to use of force and self defense

Anger Management and how it relates to use of force and self-defense Law Enforcement personnel such as police officers, probation officers and national gaurds are often placed in dangerous and stressful situtations in which use of force is needed. The way in which law enforcement personnel manages anger is often a matter of life and…

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New Beginnings – Dedicated to Cjon Damitri Patterson

At the brink of every New Year we make promises to ourselves and to the ones we love to change. Often we’ve made the same promises every year for the last decade and find ourselves repeating the same negative habits, hurting ourselves and the people we care about. In some circles the number 8 is…

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Five tips to deal with holiday anger and stress

The holidays often bring family members together who maybe haven’t seen much of each other throughout the year. Old resentments and grievances can often emerge, sometimes with strained or even disasterous consequences. Many families find themselves time-stressed with holday preparations and activities which lower coping ability even further. The following five tips have been found…

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Anger Coach Now Offers an Affiliate Program

The Anger Coach now offers an affiliate program. This means that if you have a website, you can earn 25% selling anger coach products from your site – with no work other than putting up one of our banners on your webpage. Click here for details and help spread the news about anger management.

Quick Anger Tip #29-Learn To Suffer Fools

We often generate anger or feel irritation toward other people when we tell ourselves they are “stupid,” “incompetent,” “dumb,”slow,” or some some other term indicating that they do not live up to expectations or your performance standards. We teach people in our anger management programs that the issue here is often unrealistic expectations of people…

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New Study Shows Domestic Violence Not Always One Sided

In a recently published study reported in the American Journal of Public Health, almost 25% of people surveyed said there was some violence in their relationship. According to both men and women surveyed, 50% of this violence was reciprocal, that is, involved both parties, and in those cases the woman was more likely to have…

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The Real Art of Peace

To continue our series on the union of anger management and principals of martial arts training, Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, says……”The way of the warrior, the Art of Politics, is to stop trouble before it starts. It consists in defeating your adversaries spiritually by making them realize the folly of their actions. The Way…

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The Art of Peace

With the recent union of the Anger Coach and the Martial Arts Community, I have come across a little booklet called “The Art of Peace” by Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido. Many of his teachings illustrate that anger management is actually mental martial arts. To start, he says: “In the Art of Peace we never…

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