Can you control happiness?

As I mentioned in my last blog, psychologists are now doing major research in determining what makes people happy. These researchers are called Positive Psychologists and some of what they are discovering is fascinating. Take Sonja Lyubomirsky at The University of California at Riverside who wrote a book based on her research called “The How…

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Is Happiness an antidote to anger?

I just returned from a 3-day conference in Philadelphia sponsored by the International Positive Psychology Association. The positive psychology movement is about ten years old but has really “taken off” in the last year or so. It is about scientific research related to concepts like optimism, happiness, resilience, courage, love, achievement, and goodness. The emphasis…

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Anger Management often involves conflict resolution

Persons often get into angry outbursts and escalations with each other because they don’t know how to resolve conflicts. Often, one person sees himself/herself as the victim which justifies retribution, retaliation, or “getting even” with the other, who also sees himself/herself as the victim. No where was this more clearly demonstrated than on a recent…

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Should we be teaching how to better cope with angry people?

Last night I was with my poker group, a small of men of varied professional backgrounds. The subject came up of anger management and what it is all about. I explained my 8-tools model of anger management which is oriented toward helping angry people control their anger. Suddenly, one of the group, a retired mathematics…

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Anger Management or Therapy?

In our model of anger management, we teach skill-building, new ways to think, and new ways to respond when confronted with anger triggers. This is distinct from a “therapy” approach to anger management which may involve exploring understanding the deeper root causes of a person’ s anger. In some cases, therapy may also involve medications…

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The AngerCoach Show Returns!

We’re back! After a long hiatus, we’ve finally revisited the AngerCoach show and promise to be better than ever! In this episode, we look at the high cost of anger as well as answer the question: “Is anger ever a good thing?” Keep listening – you might be surprised at the answer. Be sure to…

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Anger sometimes due to our expectations

Have you ever had the experience of not seeing something that was right in front of you because you didn’t expect that it would be there? I recently had that experience with trees that the city was supposed to plant in front of my house. For months there were no trees where they should have…

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Twitter Anger Tips and Updates

I have to admit that I thought twittering was some kind of perversion and pretty much a waste of time- until I actually checked it out. Now as see it as a marvelous communication and teaching tool for anger management. How can this technology help people their anger, you may ask? Not sure of all…

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Anger often result of poor conflict resolution skills

How do you resolve conflicts with another person? Do you become aggressive? Do you present an attitude of “my way or the highway”? Are you intent on only getting your own way or are you looking for common ground and compromise?   The ability to resolve conflict is a skill that will reduce anger in your…

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Tips for Coping with Financial Pressures

Guest Article by Courtney Phillips: These days, it’s hard not to notice the state of the economy.  Whether you are directly affected by the current situation, it’s hard not to let financial worries crop up from time to time.  However, for some people these concerns can be quite bothersome and can cause much unnecessary stress…

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Anger Coach Course Has Been Accepted

The Anger Coach has produced an online distance learning program for substance abuse professional training called “Core Anger Management Skills for the Substance Abuse Professional.” The course has been accepted by the Distance Learning Center for Addiction Studies (DLCAS) which is an internet based educational service that provides comprehensive training and information in the field…

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Is Anger sometimes a GOOD thing?

I recently received an email from one of our readers who asks: “isn’t anger sometimes a good thing?” “Doesnt it motivate people to act righteously and to stand up against abuse?” “Would the American Revolution ever have happened without anger?” These are excellent questions. In our anger management program we teach that, yes indeed, anger…

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Couples anger often related to differences in love language

Jim and Mary have been married for 10 years but can’t seem to see eye-to-eye on almost anything. The more they tried to please each other and show love to each other, the more emotionally distant they became. Neither could figure out what the problem was, as they both really felt they were trying to…

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Reduce Anger While Earning Income

Anger Coach Online, the distance learning program of the Anger Coach, now offers a new Refer a Friend program designed as a win-win proposal for all concerned. Those who refer earn $75 per course while the new client gets a $5 discount on his enrollment fee. You can refer as many people as you like….

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Anger Coach reflects on Movie Gran Torino

I recently enjoyed the movie Gran Torino. In it, Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood), a retired Polish American automobile assembly line worker and a Korean War veteran, lives in a changing Highland Park, Michigan neighborhood which is dominated by immigrants. Early in the movie, he befriends a young Hmong teenage neighbor who is harassed by a…

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Is all anger modifiable?

Anger clearly has clear evolutionary value. That is, it is there to protect us so we can survive. If this is so, can we change it? Do we even want to change it? The answer to the first question is that it probably depends on the depth of the problem. There are many ways to…

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