AngerCoach Show – Episode #10 – Is Humor a Remedy for Anger?

This months episode we discuss the positive effects that a sense of humor can have in dealing with anger. Appropriate humor can help all of us deal with difficult situations better, and if we have a problem with anger humor can gives us new ways to respond to frustrating situations. Humor shifts the way we…

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AngerCoach Show – Episode #9 – Managing Expectations

This months episode discusses the benefits of managing your expectations. Learn what your expectations are, where they come from and understand how the world around us influences our expectations. When we understand these things, then we can better adjust what our expectations are when it comes to our lives, our relationships, our families, our possessions…

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Why Choose Century Anger Management for Professional Anger Management Certification Training?

If you want to become certified to teach anger management classes, what are your choices of training programs? Actually, there are numerous “models” of anger management that work well- despite the claims of some that there is only one training model that works. Some organizations warn that if consumers are trained by anyone else but…

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How To Tank Your Relationship – Lesson 1

Miguel has just gotten off the telephone with his buddies with whom he made arrangements to play basketball Saturday morning. Unfortunately, he did not discuss this first with Maria who obviously is very upset over this. From her point of view, Miguel often makes plans independently, just as if he was still a single guy….

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Managing Expectations: A powerful happiness tool!

When people graduate from our anger management classes, we ask them which of the eight tools of anger control helped them the most. Often graduates tell us that it was Anger Tool # 6– “Adjust expectations” that was of most help to them. But managing expectations helps in more life areas than just anger; it…

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Why don’t some marital problems change?

Having been a marital therapist and psychologist for many years, I often wonder at the amazing ability some couples have to NOT change. These couples are often intelligent, reasonable people in other areas of their life, but nonetheless become gridlocked with each other around certain marital issues. Issues in this category are called “perpetual” issues…

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Anger and Intimacy: Part 2- Betrayal

Few things shake the foundation of a marriage more than perceived betrayal of one partner by the other. It seems that lately, in my practice at least, the betrayal is more in the direction of husband not being able to accept what they see as betrayal by their wife, but it certainly works both ways!…

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Anger Certification Training In Sacramento

Century Anger Management, the education and training company of The Anger Coach and is proud to announce an upcoming certification training in Sacramento, CA. This 8-hour training will satisfy requirements for Level 1 of the acclaimed 40-hour training offered by Century Anger Management. The remaining 32 hours are completed online. The Sacramento Training will…

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Anger and Sex: Part 1- Sexual Frustration

As a practicing psychologist and marriage therapist, I often encounter clients who are angry because they suffer sexual frustration in their marriage or relationship. As we teach in our anger classes, anger is sometimes a secondary emotion, meaning that there is something underneath it which triggers it. Often that “something” is sexual frustration. The most…

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Is humor a remedy for anger?

I recently returned from Phoenix, Arizona for a visit with a high school buddy that, save for a brief visit two years ago, I had not seen for fifty years. What an experience that was – catching up with each other’ s lives covering a half of a century! He had heard that I had…

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Century Anger Management Re-Approved In California

Century Anger Management (The Training and Education Site for The Anger Coach and AJ Novick Group) are re-approved for the 6th year in a row by the California State Board of Corrections (a.k.a. Corrections Standard Authority) for the training of probation, parole and correctional officers.  Their contact information can be found on the Board of…

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Can you change an insecure, jealous spouse?

Thirty-eight year old Lisa (a stay at home mom) was absolutely convinced that Jose, her husband of five years, was cheating on her. She secretly checked his cell phone messages daily, timed how long it took him to return her numerous calls during the day when he was out of town on business, and constantly…

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Can you change? Maybe. Maybe Not. Probably.

Have you heard this psychologist joke? Question: How many psychologists does it take to change a light-bulb? Answer: Only one – but the light-bulb has to really want to change. In my experience as a psychologist and marriage therapist, I have often see people struggle with the question of how much they are capable of…

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How Self-Talk Changes Moods

A famous psychologist, Dr. Albert Ellis changed the face of psychology on the 60’s and 70’s by arguing that it is our self-talk  or thinking patterns that determine how will respond to events in our world and what we will feel about them. He went on to explain that this also explains why person “A”…

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Is Happiness Contagious?

When I was a boy growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, it was my Italian-American father who was the mood setter of the house. If he was happy, everybody was happy. If he was angry, the home atmosphere turned ugly with discontent spreading like an August fog in San Fransisco, from one family member to the…

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Couples Reduce Anger By Sharing Tasks

Often the problem is the other way around: many married woman justifiably complain that they too work yet are expected to do their “second job” once they get home at night. Either way, a major breakthrough can be achieved by a  couple sitting down with a pencil and paper, listing all the household chores, drawing…

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Alcohol, Marriage Conflict, and Anger

Having taught hundreds of anger management classes and seminars since 2004, I have been impressed with the high number of people who confess that much conflict and rage often follows discussing marital issues while one or both partners is drinking. Not that drinking in itself is necessarily bad. And trying to resolve conflicts is a…

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Anger Coach Free Resources: Blogs, Podcasts and Videos

Dr Fiore/ The Anger Coach continues to produce educational materials to help individuals, couples, and families deal with anger, conflict, and stress. Just click on the resource listed below to access the material. Feel free to pass on the material to anyone who you think might benefit from it. Blogs and Podcasts Conflict Resolution- How…

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Anger Coach Online Donates Courses for Penn Youth

This  notice was recently posted from The Penn Youth Foundation On-Line Dojo. Please join, if you wish to participate. The blog post was written by Tom Callos. ANGER COACH ONLINE Donates $20,000 in Anger Management Courses for Penn Youth Dr. Tony Fiore of is the one of the world’s preeminent anger control teachers. Two…

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Anger Certification Training and Continuing Education

Century Anger Management, the Education and Training company of The Anger Coach and AJNovick Group,  has been granted recertification for two years from The California Foundation for Advancement of Addiction Professionals (CFAAP).  CFAAP is the Education Board for the California Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors. (CAADAC). This certification means that people who complete…

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Six Tips For Parents to Handle Child Anger

Often, we get phone calls from parents who are angry at their children, usually because they happen to have what I euphemistically call a “strong-willed child. ” These children are often defiant, controlling, rebellious, and non-compliant with normal parental demands or requests. Sometimes this extends to their behavior in school, but in other cases they…

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