We offer virtual anger management classes online for individuals and couples. They are designed to satisfy court requirements but many enrollees are men and women who enroll for personal development and growth, without a court order, or before a court order is issued.
During Covid-19, these classes are LIVE on Zoom with Dr. Fiore on Tuesday nights, 7:30pm- 8:30PM (Pacific time).
How will you benefit from the program?
- Recognize and appropriately respond to normal angry feelings
- Use the 8 tools of anger control including how to manage stress more effectively and how to communicate more effectively with your partner, children, co-workers or other family members
- Increase your capacity to create positive outcomes in your relationships with others and yourself
- Develop the capacity to influence others by your own behavior
- Decrease symptoms of anger and stress such as irritability, conflicts at home, school or work, temper flare-ups, physical discomforts from stress, boredom and depression
Who Is The Instructor?

Classes are taught by Dr. Tony Fiore, a psychologist with thirty years clinical experience. In addition to his practice, he is also a certified anger management trainer and co-author of the book used in the classes titled “Anger Management For The Twenty-First Century”
How Many Classes In The Anger Management Program?
The weekly program consists of ten (10) weekly classes, one hour each. If the court orders more, we can accommodate you.
What Is The Content of the Classes?
Participants learn the 8 tools of anger control including stress management, developing empathy, Learning to respond instead of react, changing our self-talk , the Art of assertive communication, changing expectations, learning to forgive (but not forget!) and learning how to retreat and think things over. Teaching is done with a required workbook. We also have class discussions, completion of homework assignments, videos, and other instructional aids.
What are the Costs?
The cost of our weekly classes are as follows:
- Enrollment $65
- Workbook $30.00
- Cost per class $35.00 (Special rate if couple enrolls)
Call 714-745-1393 for details. You can pay online.
What are the steps in joining our virtual anger management classes:
- Start with a one-hour consultation with Dr Fiore. You can schedule this consultation by calling Marina at 714-496-6120 or;
- If you are using insurance for this consultation, Marina can verify it for you. Or, self-pay clients ($180) can self-schedule by clicking here
During the consultation, Dr. Fiore will recommend which program(s) would be best for you. Choices would include:
- Weekly virtual anger management classes ($35 a class)
- Individual private virtual sessions covering the 8 tools of anger control ($180 per session) and their application.
- Virtual Discernment Counseling (For couples on the brink of divorce)
- Virtual Couples therapy with Dr Fiore
- Home-Study anger management programs, now discounted.